Filtering by: “Small Groups”

Enneagram Meet Up

Enneagram Meet Up

Each month a small groups meets up to discuss the Enneagram, its nuances and teachings. The topic for this month's Enneagram Meetup is "Wings--Reconsidered.” We'll be talking about various ideas about how wings form part of our personalities. We'll have about 30 minutes of teaching, followed by breakout groups in which participants can discuss the ways in which they see wings show up in their own lives.

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MOPS September Meet-Up

MOPS September Meet-Up

Are you a mom of preschoolers or elementary-aged children in need of some self-care? Do you wrestle with isolation or lack of mental stimulation? You don’t have to “mom” alone.

MOPS (“Mothers of Preschoolers”) is a community based on the idea that remarkable things happen when moms come together. MOPS is open to any mom in the community, regardless of age, marital status, or religious affiliation, who wants to share this crazy beautiful journey called motherhood.

Twice monthly, you can expect honest conversation, inspiring teaching, warm food, and loving childcare. Start your week off right twice a month on Monday mornings from 8:45-10:45 am. Our first meeting is Monday, September 13th in the youth room.

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Wednesday Evening Devotional and Prayers

Wednesday Evening Devotional and Prayers

Some of you have expressed interest in having an evening prayer and devotional practice because you are unavailable on Monday morning for the Zoom call due to work conflicts. If you’re looking for some mid-week quiet time to re-center yourself in a prayer space, Pastor Cathy will begin leading a short (< 30 minute) Zoom call on Wednesday evenings from 9:00 – 9:30 pm. Your prayers for both individual and community needs are the basic underpinning of all we do at AUMC. So click here to hop on the first Wednesday evening Zoom Call on June 16th at 9:00 pm.

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Wednesday Evening Devotional and Prayers

Wednesday Evening Devotional and Prayers

Some of you have expressed interest in having an evening prayer and devotional practice because you are unavailable on Monday morning for the Zoom call due to work conflicts. If you’re looking for some mid-week quiet time to re-center yourself in a prayer space, Pastor Cathy will begin leading a short (< 30 minute) Zoom call on Wednesday evenings from 9:00 – 9:30 pm. Your prayers for both individual and community needs are the basic underpinning of all we do at AUMC. So click here to hop on the first Wednesday evening Zoom Call on June 16th at 9:00 pm.

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Wednesday Evening Devotional and Prayers

Wednesday Evening Devotional and Prayers

Some of you have expressed interest in having an evening prayer and devotional practice because you are unavailable on Monday morning for the Zoom call due to work conflicts. If you’re looking for some mid-week quiet time to re-center yourself in a prayer space, Pastor Cathy will begin leading a short (< 30 minute) Zoom call on Wednesday evenings from 9:00 – 9:30 pm. Your prayers for both individual and community needs are the basic underpinning of all we do at AUMC. So click here to hop on the first Wednesday evening Zoom Call on June 16th at 9:00 pm.

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Wednesday Evening Devotional and Prayers

Wednesday Evening Devotional and Prayers

Some of you have expressed interest in having an evening prayer and devotional practice because you are unavailable on Monday morning for the Zoom call due to work conflicts. If you’re looking for some mid-week quiet time to re-center yourself in a prayer space, Pastor Cathy will begin leading a short (< 30 minute) Zoom call on Wednesday evenings from 9:00 – 9:30 pm. Your prayers for both individual and community needs are the basic underpinning of all we do at AUMC. So click here to hop on the first Wednesday evening Zoom Call on June 16th at 9:00 pm.

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June Enneagram Meet Up - The Enneagram 9

June Enneagram Meet Up - The Enneagram 9

This is the last Enneagram Meet Up before our summer break. We'll share insights from three panelists who identify as a '9' on the Enneagram: Mary Jane Smith, Amy Bird, and Rev. Jimmy Decker will share their Enneagram experiences with us, in panel format. This will be a virtual event, held on Thursday, June 10, beginning at 7pm.

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May Book Discussion

May Book Discussion

This past year has been challenging for all of us. If you're struggling to regain your spiritual footing post-2020, you may find this month's book study particularly timely and helpful. In Dusk, Night, Dawn: On Revival and Courage best-selling author, Anne Lamott, draws on her own experiences to share with us intimate and human ways she discovered to move through life's dark places back toward the light of hope. By breaking down thorny issues into manageable, human-sized questions for readers to ponder, the author shows us how to amplify life's little moments of joy by staying open to love and connection.

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April Enneagram Meet Up - The Enneagram 7

April Enneagram Meet Up - The Enneagram 7

A virtual tour of the Enneagram numbers continues with a panel of those who identify as sevens - sometimes referred to as “the Adventurer.” After summarizing the seven traits, Brian Brooks of Arapaho UMC and two other adventurous individuals will answer questions posed by moderator Kristi Sunstrom. In the breakout session, you will have the opportunity to address the panelists directly to ask your own questions about sevens.

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Short Term Sunday School Class
to Oct 28

Short Term Sunday School Class

  • Arapaho United Methodist Church (Room 3) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Each Sunday in October this class will foster a discussion relating religious themes in art and the use of religious arts for worship, particularly the study of Christian values as related to art in history and contemporary society. Visit Room 3 in our adult wing for Visual Faith: The Arts in Worship.


October 7, 14, 21, & 28

Time: 9:45 - 10:45 am

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Socrates Circle

Socrates Circle

Are you looking for a group of people willing to talk and more importantly listen to each other? Come join a group of people for an insightful night. Socrates Café are gatherings around the world where people from different backgrounds get together and exchange thoughtful ideas and experiences while embracing the central theme of Socratizing.

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