Pentecost, Podcast, Sermons Guest User Pentecost, Podcast, Sermons Guest User

Encountering The Spirit (Week 5)

In the final of this sermon series, Encountering The Spirit, Pastor Scott is joined today by Spiritual Director and Arapaho's online evangelist, Aaron Manes, as they reflect on the words of the prophet Joel, "I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh."

Pew Research Center paradoxically reports that more than 50% of Americas say they have had a "religious or mystical" experience. Yet, the number of Americans who claim "no religious affiliation" has reached a staggering 70 million.

In 2021, it's fair to say that science has taken us farther in understanding the universe in the last hundred years than religion has in 10,000. But we gain nothing in knowing what is out there if we have never looked within.

Could we actually be witnessing a spiritual enlightenment? Is our new "religion" framed by our lived experience? Check out Aaron's blog, New Questions, New Roles. What is your new role?

In the final of this sermon series, Encountering The Spirit, Pastor Scott is joined today by Spiritual Director and Arapaho's online evangelist, Aaron Manes, as they reflect on the words of the prophet Joel, "I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh." 

Pew Research Center paradoxically reports that more than 50% of Americas say they have had a "religious or mystical" experience. Yet, the number of Americans who claim "no religious affiliation" has reached a staggering 70 million.

In 2021, it's fair to say that science has taken us farther in understanding the universe in the last hundred years than religion has in 10,000.  But we gain nothing in knowing what is out there if we have never looked within.

Could we actually be witnessing a spiritual enlightenment?  Is our new "religion" framed by our lived experience?  Check out Aaron's blog, New Questions, New Roles. What is your new role?

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Podcast, Sermons, Pentecost Guest User Podcast, Sermons, Pentecost Guest User

Encountering The Spirit (Week 2)

In today’s sermon, Pastor Scott focuses on a rather famous biblical figure you only thought you knew - Samson. Setting aside all the Old Testament violence, Samson was set apart by God through the Spirit (Hebrew – "Ruach") to be a Judge over Israel, whose strength will liberate God's people from the Philistines. At least that was the plan. What lesson is Samson still teaching today about the proper use of this "Ruach," the Spirit in service of the people of God?

In today’s sermon, Pastor Scott focuses on a rather famous biblical figure you only thought you knew - Samson. Setting aside all the Old Testament violence, Samson was set apart by God through the Spirit (Hebrew – "Ruach") to be a Judge over Israel, whose strength will liberate God's people from the Philistines. At least that was the plan. What lesson is Samson still teaching today about the proper use of this "Ruach," the Spirit in service of the people of God?

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Pentecost, Podcast, Sermons Guest User Pentecost, Podcast, Sermons Guest User

Encountering The Spirit (Week 1)

Last week was the celebration of the coming of the Holy Spirit that gave birth to the church. In this new sermon series, let us look at how the Spirit has been manifest in us throughout the Old Testament as well. Today, let's examine the second creation story.

"The Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being." Gen 2:7

This breath of life, this Spirit, is our divine spark, our divine DNA. Later in the story, this new divine being is invited to co-create with God by giving names to everything God made.

We watched in horror as the breath of life was taken from George Floyd a year ago this week. So as you breathe in God, ask, "What is mine to do?" "How can I co-create with You?" And just as the Lord God created a partner, bone of his bone, seek out and share the air with those who see and love you the same way God does. Breathe. Amen.

Last week was the celebration of the coming of the Holy Spirit that gave birth to the church.  In this new sermon series, let us look at how the Spirit has been manifest in us throughout the Old Testament as well.  Today, let's examine the second creation story.

"The Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being." Gen 2:7

This breath of life, this Spirit is our divine spark, our divine DNA.  Later in the story, this new divine being is invited to co-create with God by giving names to everything God made.

We watched in horror as the breath of life was taken from George Floyd a year ago this week.  So as you breathe in God, ask, "What is mine to do?"  “How can I co-create with You?” And just as the Lord God created a partner, bone of his bone, seek out and share the air with those who see and love you the same way God does.  Breathe.  Amen.

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Pentecost, Sermons Guest User Pentecost, Sermons Guest User

Pentecost Sunday: Resurrecting Faith (Week 7)

We're so happy you've joined Arapaho UMC for worship this morning. As we begin to re-open the sanctuary today, it's appropriate that all of Christendom is celebrating the feast of Pentecost. Our introduction to the Spirit of God and is aptly considered the birth of the church. It is our mission as the church to catch up to the movement of the Holy Spirit. Arapaho UMC flings open its doors again to you as a community as we pray 'Come, Holy Spirit Come' Welcome to Worship!

We're so happy you've joined Arapaho UMC for worship this morning. It's serendipitous that all of Christendom is celebrating the feast of Pentecost. Our introduction to the third person of the Trinity, the Spirit of God, is aptly considered the church's birthday. As Arapaho UMC flings open its doors again to you, we pray 'Come, Holy Spirit Come'! Welcome to Worship!

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Sermons, Pentecost Aaron Manes Sermons, Pentecost Aaron Manes

Pollution is a Spiritual Problem Too

Our world is so desperate to breathe in the divine presence, we are suffocating here with injustice and hatred and conflict in our world, we so need the spirit to breathe into us and bring us back to life again.

Our world is so desperate to breathe in the divine presence, we are suffocating here with injustice and hatred and conflict in our world, we so need the spirit to breathe into us and bring us back to life again—

 To bring our world back to life with this divine energy that brings us together as kin, as divinely connected but no matter how desperate we are for a breath of fresh air, for the breath of God to breathe into us and renew us...

 The reality is the air is polluted, and if the air is polluted, if human beings can’t take a breath of fresh air, the spirit is restricted, the spirit cannot work as well in us and through us…

Now is the time for us as followers of Jesus to lead the way in working to end pollution so that all people throughout the world can breathe fresh air, so that all may receive the spirit of God, the breathe of God, deep into their lungs, so all may revived by God’s spirit again and again and again…

So today as we breathe in and breathe out we know what is ours to do: we are the ones to work to end pollution, so that means very plainly we have to take steps to reduce our carbon footprint.

Watch This Video From The Service.

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Sermons, Pentecost Aaron Manes Sermons, Pentecost Aaron Manes

The Holy Spirit...Here...Now.

The best way we can fulfill the vows we take at baptism as a congregation is to set a heart on fire - and the best way to do that, is have your own heart set on fire. 

Seventh grade football games are fascinating! You can see which athletes have great talent and some who will need a lot of work. The great challenge of a middle school coach is to teach the athletes to love the game. The same is true for the next generation of our church. The best way we can fulfill the vows we take at baptism as a congregation is to set a heart on fire - and the best way to do that, is have your own heart set on fire. 


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