Arapaho United Methodist Church is a creative, constructive, Christian community committed to becoming more like Christ. We envision a Christian community of transformed people who embody God’s love and work together in the Spirit to transform the world.
Worship online at 11:00 a.m. on Sundays. We recommend you come to watch and interact at
The worship viewing platform asks you to quickly sign-in, allowing you access to a real-time chat room. Signing up only requires an email address and your name. We encourage you to let us know you are watching by saying a quick “hello.” The chat opens five minutes before services and stays available five minutes after. During a service, you can request prayer, and one of our pastors will be available to pray with you. We hope to see you online (click here to view) .
You may also watch on Youtube at 11:00 am on Sundays or at any other time during the week.