On the night before his death, Jesus knelt in humility, broke bread with his friends, and gave them a new commandment: to love one another as he had loved them. Maundy Thursday is a night of deep meaning—a call to embodied love, service, and communion.
This contemplative service will take place in the round, creating a sacred space of intimacy and reflection. Through scripture, prayer, Taizé chants, and a ritual of hand washing, we will remember Christ’s love that kneels, serves, and restores. Communion will be shared as an act of radical welcome—where no one is excluded, and all are nourished.
On Thursday, April 17 at 7:00 pm, come and enter the quiet holiness of this night. Sit in the presence of Christ’s love, poured out in service and sacrifice. The journey toward the cross continues, but even in the gathering shadows, love remains.
This service is in person only.