Sermons, Podcast, Lent Aaron Manes Sermons, Podcast, Lent Aaron Manes

Jesus Never Said "God Won't Give You More Than You Can Handle"

We will experience times in our lives when we go through really difficult things, we will face adversity….we are in one of those rare—oh how I pray it is rare—moments in history when we are all going through something hard,

We will experience times in our lives when we go through really difficult things, we will face adversity….we are in one of those rare—oh how I pray it is rare—moments in history when we are all going through something hard, we are all grieving the life we used to have just a month ago, we are all grieving the uncertainty of the future, grieving the loss of security for ourselves and our beloveds, what is there to hold on to?

As one of my favorite theologians puts it: Our life on earth can be unpredictable, we can be happy one day and sad the next the next, healthy one day and sick the next, rich one day and poor the next, what is there to hold on to, who is there to feel secure with, who is there to trust at all times?

Only Jesus, the Christ.  He is our Lord, our shepherd, our rock, our stronghold, our refuge, our brother, our guide, our friend. Hold on to him.

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Aaron Manes Aaron Manes

Jesus Never Said "God Said It, I Believe It, That Settles It"

People are not perfect conduits of God’s word, but we are what God has to work with, so God works through people but we have our own biases and our own agendas and that’s true of the Biblical authors, like the Apostle Paul for example: he never claims his words are God’s words but he does trust that the Spirit is leading him and helping him as he leads the early church.

People are not perfect conduits of God’s word, but we are what God has to work with, so God works through people but we have our own biases and our own agendas and that’s true of the Biblical authors, like the Apostle Paul for example: he never claims his words are God’s words but he does trust that the Spirit is leading him and helping him as he leads the early church.

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Aaron Manes Aaron Manes

Jesus Never Said: "God Helps Those Who Help Themselves"

God helps those who can’t help themselves…through people. There will be a time, and you may have already experienced this, in which you are the one who needs help. In which you cannot do it yourself: you cannot fix or save yourself, you cannot help yourself, you cannot will yourself out of your situation. God will send someone, something, to help you. A beautiful sunrise. A letter from a friend.

God helps those who can’t help themselves…through people. There will be a time, and you may have already experienced this, in which you are the one who needs help. In which you cannot do it yourself: you cannot fix or save yourself, you cannot help yourself, you cannot will yourself out of your situation. God will send someone, something, to help you. A beautiful sunrise. A letter from a friend. 

A second wind to help you keep going. A good therapist. I have one, I know. A church family to bring you meals or to leave groceries or medicine at your door; let us know if you need anything, we are here for you. This is called grace. And there is nothing you do to earn it, nothing you do to deserve it…it is God’s willingness to help you when you can’t help yourself.

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Aaron Manes Aaron Manes

Jesus Never Said "Love The Sinner, Hate The Sin"

If you start dividing humanity into groups, if you draw a dividing line between who’s in and who’s out, Jesus says: you will find God on the side of the outsiders. You think you know who’s in and who’s out? You don’t know.

If you start dividing humanity into groups, if you draw a dividing line between who’s in and who’s out, Jesus says: you will find God on the side of the outsiders. You think you know who’s in and who’s out? You don’t know. 

When you say: Love the sinner, hate the sin you have put yourself in the position of the Pharisee, you’ve put yourself in the position of seeing others as sinners. That’s not the position Jesus wants for you.

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Podcast, Sermons, Lent Aaron Manes Podcast, Sermons, Lent Aaron Manes

Jesus Never Said "Everything Happens For A Reason"

We are given responsibility, we have the ability to respond to God’s invitation, to God’s commandments, but we can refuse, we can choose not to care for the earth and when we do that, well the earth will suffer…but God doesn’t just create us and give us dominion and leave us alone…

God tries to help us and influence us to do the right thing and make the right decisions: God gave us a conscious, and a brain, God gave us commandments and prophets to guide us

We are given responsibility, we have the ability to respond to God’s invitation, to God’s commandments, but we can refuse, we can choose not to care for the earth and when we do that, well the earth will suffer…but God doesn’t just create us and give us dominion and leave us alone…

God tries to help us and influence us to do the right thing and make the right decisions: God gave us a conscious, and a brain, God gave us commandments and prophets to guide us…

God came in Jesus to show us what it means to be human, to show us how to live selflessly and generously, and then God gave us the Spirit to be with us, to counsel us and nudge us in the right direction…yes God never gives up on helping us to make the right decisions but we still make the decisions.

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Podcast, Sermons Aaron Manes Podcast, Sermons Aaron Manes

Spirit Led, Spirit Fed

This is our purpose, this is what Christ wants from us, this is what we are made for, the Holy Spirit helps make it possible for us to bear this fruit in the world, God does God’s part so that it is possible for us to bear good fruit, but we do have to do our part, you don’t just buy a farm and expect a big harvest to appear.

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

This is what we are created to produce. This is our purpose, this is what Christ wants from us, this is what we are made for, the Holy Spirit helps make it possible for us to bear this fruit in the world, God does God’s part so that it is possible for us to bear good fruit, but we do have to do our part, you don’t just buy a farm and expect a big harvest to appear.

So all this leads me to ask you: have you produced the fruit you were made to produce? Is your life fruitful—Is there evidence of the Spirit’s work in your life: are you loving? Are you joyful? Are you peaceful, do you regularly experience peace, do you practice peace? What about patience, are you a patient person? Are you a kind person? A generous person. Are you faithful? Are you gentle? Do you have self-control?

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Ordinary Time, Sermons, Podcast Aaron Manes Ordinary Time, Sermons, Podcast Aaron Manes


It’s not just that God has the power to bring you to life again, God has the desire to bring you to life, God wants you to come alive again.

Religion without the power of the Holy Spirit is dead…religion without the influence of the spirit is dead, religion without the discipline to listen to God’s guidance and direction is dead…the people of Israel exist, they exist but they are existing as people who are dead, they are a dead sect, they are dry bones.

Do you sometimes feel like you are dry bones? That you are existing as one who is already dead, that you are going through the motions…or that parts of you are slowly dying.

What this passage says, what our faith says is: you can live, you can come alive again. You don’t have to live like dry bones.

So how does that happen? 

The spirit of God. The spirit of God has the power to bring you to life again—and—and here’s what’s even more remarkable. It’s not just that God has the power to bring you to life again, God has the desire to bring you to life, God wants you to come alive again.

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Podcast, Sermons Aaron Manes Podcast, Sermons Aaron Manes

A 5C Church: Committed

God doesn’t just call the equipped, God equips the called. God gives you what you need: God gives you the time and resources and people and money and everything…

God doesn’t just call the equipped, God equips the called. God gives you what you need: God gives you the time and resources and people and money and everything—but you do have to manage it, that’s how it works, God doesn’t micromanage, God says: you manage it.

That’s the last part of the scripture today, Jesus says: if you are going to build a tower, you have to map it out and think through what it is going to take to finish it—you need a plan, this is very practical, you have to get organized and set your intentions so you can use the resources you have been given well, so you can fulfill your purpose.  

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Podcast Aaron Manes Podcast Aaron Manes

Podcast: Rule Of Life

So you filled out your Rule Of Life - now maybe you need some resources! Listen to Pastor Blair, Pastor Cathy and Aaron Manes talk about what resources they like and use to aide them on their path of spiritual growth!

So you filled out your Rule Of Life - now maybe you need some resources! Listen to Pastor Blair, Pastor Cathy and Aaron Manes talk about what resources they like and use to aide them on their path of spiritual growth! Listen as they share what weekly emails, apps and other resources are important to them as they seek their own spiritual growth.

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Sermons, Podcast Aaron Manes Sermons, Podcast Aaron Manes

A 5C Church: Christian Community

You know sometimes folks say to me, well I go to my yoga studio instead of church, and look, I love yoga, I try and do yoga, I think it is very spiritual, but just to be clear: your yoga studio isn’t storming the gates of systemic racism, your yoga studio isn’t going to be there with you every week, two or three times a week, helping you to storm the gates of illness…you need the church. 

That’s the church, that’s Christian community—you know sometimes folks say to me, well I go to my yoga studio instead of church, and look, I love yoga, I try and do yoga, I think it is very spiritual, but just to be clear: your yoga studio isn’t storming the gates of systemic racism, your yoga studio isn’t going to be there with you every week, two or three times a week, helping you to storm the gates of illness…you need the church. 

And the church needs you. I want you to hear that, the church needs you. I need you to storm the gates of hell, Jesus says.

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Aaron Manes Aaron Manes

A 5C Church: Constructive

In this service you will hear testimonies from three faith leaders who will answer the question “What is one theological idea that has shaped your faith?”

A 5C Church: Constructive

In this service you will hear testimonies from three faith leaders who will answer the question “What is one theological idea that has shaped your faith?”

The guest speakers are Brittany Burrows, Rev. Holly Reinhart-Marean and Rev. Larry George.

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Epiphany, Podcast, Sermons Aaron Manes Epiphany, Podcast, Sermons Aaron Manes

A 5C Church: Creative

When you start to live in the reality that God is making all things new, then you start to see the pattern, you see the new thing coming from the rubble, you see the stump of the tree to be sure but you know to look closer and you see the shoot of new life coming through.

A 5C Church: Creative

When you start to live in the reality that God is making all things new, then you start to see the pattern, you see the new thing coming from the rubble, you see the stump of the tree to be sure but you know to look closer and you see the shoot of new life coming through.

So you can trust what is coming next - you look back and you grieve what was and you feel the pain of what is not there but then you turn to your imagination and you trust that something new is going to come out of even this.

I will tell you in February last year when the General Conference of the United Methodist Church doubled down on discriminating against LGBTQ+ persons, I was so deeply sad: this is not the church I know, not the Wesleyan theology and tradition we are about It was the darkest time in United Methodism I have experience but then the Spirit hovered over our congregation and what emerged is our conviction and courage to not just say we are inclusive but to show it through our actions by voting to open up our altar to same-gender weddings and it has made us an even greater witness for Christ’s love.

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Aaron Manes Aaron Manes

Present To Peace

What if that became your prayer this Advent season, what if you invited Christ to make you an instrument of peace, at your dinner table this Christmas, at your workplace, with your friends?

God is always initiating peace with us. “My peace I give to you,” Jesus says. But we have to accept that gift, that peace. We have to receive it. And when we finally do accept that gift, it changes us. We are transformed. We experience inner peace that changes how we experience the world, how we interact with others. We become conduits of that peace through our being.

St. Francis put it this way: Make me an instrument of your peace. Make me an instrument. Change me so that I become a way through which your peace is shared. 

What if that became your prayer this Advent season, what if you invited Christ to make you an instrument of peace, at your dinner table this Christmas, at your workplace, with your friends…let me sow seeds of peace in every situation, in every relationship.

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Aaron Manes Aaron Manes

Present To The Presence

The Advent Worship Series begins as Pastor Blair interviews with Dr. Ruben Habito to talk about how we find and practice the presence of God in our own lives.

The Advent Worship Series begins as Pastor Blair interviews with Dr. Ruben Habito to talk about how we find and practice the presence of God in our own lives.

About Dr. Ruben Habito

Ruben L.F. Habito is a Filipino former Jesuit priest turned master practicing in the Sanbo Kyodan lineage of Zen. In his early youth he was sent to Japan on missionary work where he began Zen practice under Yamada Koun-roshi, a Zen master who taught many Christians students, which was unusual for the time. In 1988, Ruben received Dharma transmission from Yamada Koun. Ruben left the Jesuit order in 1989, and in 1991 founded the lay organization Maria Kannon Zen Center in Dallas, Texas. He has taught at Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University since 1989 where he continues to be a faculty member. He is married and has two sons.

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Aaron Manes Aaron Manes

Cultivating Gratitude

Waking up with gratitude helps me to wake up to what’s most important in my life. That’s thanksliving. That’s being thankful.

I realized a few years ago that no matter what was going on in my life, unless I trained myself, I’d wake up thinking about what was not working in my life. It was a wake-up call. I decided I must develop a discipline to wake up thinking about what’s working in my life and not what needs to be fixed. I tried many alternatives until I found one that increases my early morning time in the focused mode. Here is my first thought in the morning, it may help you to:

As soon as I wake up and become aware of myself and the world around me, I focus on gratitude. I start with a few deep breaths and think about five people in my life I’m grateful for. As I breathe in slowly and deeply, I bring the first person’s face in front of my closed eyes. I try to see this person as clearly as I can in the part of the world where he or she is right now. Then I send this person my silent gratitude while breathing out—again, slowly and deeply. I repeat this exercise with five people. I avoid rushing through the experience, relishing the few seconds I spend remembering each person.

Then he says this:

Waking up with gratitude helps me to wake up to what’s most important in my life.

That’s #thanksliving. That’s being thankful.

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Podcast Aaron Manes Podcast Aaron Manes

The #Thanksliving Gratitude Podcast

Pastor Blair and Spiritual Director Aaron Manes sit and talk about what Tim Ferriss, Brené Brown, Robert Emmons and several others have taught them about gratitude.

Pastor Blair and Spiritual Director Aaron Manes sit and talk about what Tim Ferriss, Brené Brown, Robert Emmons and several others have taught them about gratitude.

Here are a few books we recommend:

“Thanks!” by Robert Emmons (click here)

“Dare To Lead” by Brené Brown (click here)

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Sermons, Podcast Aaron Manes Sermons, Podcast Aaron Manes

Giving Thanks In Every Thing?

Adversity happens to everyone, it’s how you respond to that adversity that separates you from other people. How will you respond to the adversity in your life? With grumbling or gratitude? You may not feel gratitude but you can choose to look for things to be grateful for.

Adversity happens to everyone, it’s how you respond to that adversity that separates you from other people.

How will you respond to the adversity in your life? With grumbling or gratitude? You may not feel gratitude but you can choose to look for things to be grateful for. Will you say our verse today with me again?

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

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Sermons, Podcast Aaron Manes Sermons, Podcast Aaron Manes

Made For Gratitude

“So you think this is just another day in your life? It’s not just another day. It is the one day that is given to you…today.”

Martin Luther, the great church reformer of the 16th century was asked once what is worship, what is the nature of true worship, and he said one line: the tenth leper turning back. 

Worship is the tenth leper turning back and shouting his gratitude, glorifying God, kneeling at Jesus’ feet, so grateful. I didn’t like worship today, the message didn’t speak to me and the music was boring and the sound system messed up again and…

Look I have said each of these things before and I hope this isn’t your experience, but what is worship? The tenth leper turning back. Worship is when you’ve been running and running and you stop. You pause. You look at everything you have been given and go: thank you. Thank you for this breath. Thank you for this day.

Thank you for this community, for the car I drive, for the coffee I drink, thank you. It is recognizing that there is a giver and a gift, and we are the recipients of the gift…the breath we are given, we didn’t earn it, the sunshine, the taste of fresh bread, the smell of the air after a rain, the sound of a baby laughing…gift, it is all gift. 

When you stop and pause and take a breath and look around you, you can’t help but say: thanks. Thank you for this.

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Sermons, Podcast Aaron Manes Sermons, Podcast Aaron Manes

Remember Me

As we remember the saints in our lives on All Saints Sunday – we remember the duality of how we think of saints – those who have already passed, and also those who are still living.

We remember that those who have passed on as holy, and filled with grace. And we remember that they lived out this grace in so many ways – in worship, in service, with compassion for those who hurt, seeking justice for those who are oppressed. And in remembering them, remembering those saints, we remember how they influenced us, and our lives, to share spiritual wisdom and love and light while they were here, physically, with us.

But hear me on this. Those that we remember as saints did not ‘become saints’ when they died. They were saints – they were holy – even when they lived.

Which means, then, that as we remember the saints in our lives on All Saints Sunday – we remember the duality of how we think of saints – those who have already passed, and also those who are still living. 

Including each one of us. Including you.

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