Refresh Our Journey
The story of the Magi (Matthew 2:1-12) invites us to refresh our calling by embarking on a journey that challenges our assumptions, transforms our lives, and calls us to resist the paths of empire. Epiphany reminds us that God's revelation in Jesus is for all people, drawing us to follow the light of love, peace, and justice. The Magi’s willingness to leave their comfort zones inspires us to seek God in unexpected places with courage and curiosity. Their defiance of Herod by “going back by a different way” shows the power of encountering Christ to shift our allegiance from systems of oppression to the way of peace. After encountering God's love in Jesus, we too are called to take a new path, living with compassion and standing up for what is right. May we follow the Magi’s example, refreshing our calling to be bearers of God’s love and justice in our world.