Start With Why

What is it that we learn in the prologue to the Gospel John that is relevant to our lives, now? Maybe it’s this: that every day, no matter what we’re going through, we get to “start with why.” We get the opportunity by the grace of God to hand over control of the day to the One who can help us get through it, no matter what’s thrown at us.

For those of us who have embraced God’s grace, or seeking answers about how to live out your faith and embrace that grace, remember John the Baptist, who testifies to the light, as do we, in our own actions and words. We don’t just accept the grace and move on, without change. From the moment we accept it, we are a new creation. 

It’s what Wesley calls sanctifying grace – that  grace we accept and respond to by loving our neighbors in JFON, or serving meals at Austin Street Center, or learning more about each other through discussion groups and bible studies, or attending centering prayer events to learn a new way to grow closer to God. It’s the grace that compels us forward to bring hope to each other, through prayers, and visiting each other in times of need, or standing up for each other to bring justice in an otherwise unfair world.

And for those of us assume that our lives will be lived one way, and then it takes a turn in the road – as it will – remember that God has always been and always will be with you, as the light that shines through the darkness to bring you hope for a better day.


We Refuse To Wear Masks (Phantom Of The Opera)


Do The Work